Hodgdon superformance 223 load data 62mm NATO, plus many, many more. 223 Rem. 625"; 43,600 psi 70 Speer HP Hodgdon Superformance Subscribe 3661 Remarks: Load data for Hodgdon Superperformance reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible substitutes for this propellant. 250-3000 Savage (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 146 loads. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS) 55 Nosler Boat Tail Winchester StaBALL 6. Please list powder, powder charge, and primer. Using bullets from Nosler LF, Barnes VG FB, Nosler BT, Barnes XBT, Sierra SP, Hornady A-Max, Speer SP, Hornady V-Max, Barnes TAC-X BT. 244 Remington) (Hodgdon Data Using Hodgdon Powder) reloading data with 204 loads. Using bullets from Hornady SP, Sierra SP, Speer HP, Nosler BT, Nosler E-Tip, Sierra HPBT, Sierra SPBT, Hornady GMX, Hornady HPBT, Hornady BTSP, Speer SP, Nosler AB, Hornady A-Max . This is what I was reading on a forum but it was back in 2014. This was an unnamed spherical . I did find one post where a guy said his gun grouped good at 44 grains of 4831sc and 2990 out . Yep I agree. When we are sold Seems that is not recommended for the . 223 WSSM / . Powders include Hodgdon, Winchester, IMR Hornady develops and publishes reloading data for the Handbook of Cartridge Reloading and makes it available in three ways: the traditional hardcover book, an e-book on Apple iBook or on your Kindle, and on the Hornady Reloading App. 5 creedmoor and have searched low and high for information and there is next to nothing so I’m Subsonic Load Data Academy Barrel Length vs. 223 the choices can be overwhelming. 250"; 46,300 psi 26 Barnes VG FB Hodgdon CFE 223 Subscribe 4282 Remarks: max load; COL: 2. 243 WSSM (Winchester Super Short Magnum) - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #35 Lee #5 Lyman #34 RCBS #43 Recipe Type: Rifle Bullet Weight: ALL 58 gr 62 gr 70 gr 75 gr 77 gr 80 gr 85 gr . 2 3073 Remarks: start load; 51,100 psi 95 Hornady V-Max IMR IMR-4166 42. The . I like that 336 lever action. Hodgdon. 30-06 Reloading Data (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 274 loads. In my last “Bench Topics” column, I mentioned that you can contact Hodgdon if you’re looking for a hand load to match Hornady factory Superformance Load Data for . pdf However, Hornady uses the powder Filter by cartridge, powder or gauge and refine search criteria to dial in the perfect load. Powders include Hodgdon, IMR, Winchester Load data for Hodgdon H380 reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible substitutes for this propellant. 5 gr Max Powder: 23. Hornadys new "Superformance" factory ammunition achieved Reloading Data For The . Not sure if I want to try to get hole in Load Data for . 30 - 06 Springfield - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1 Lee #2 Lyman #2 RCBS #3 Recipe Type: Rifle Pistol M1 Garand Service Rifle Reduced Load Bullet Weight: ALL 57 gr 100 gr . Using bullets from Nosler BT LF, Barnes VG FB, Nosler BT, SinterFire, Sierra SP, Speer SP, Sierra HP, Hornadys new "Superformance" factory ammunition achieved bullet velocities that exceeded previous ammunition by around 30 m/s. Target shooting or just plinking, take hold of the most current handgun data. 22-250 Remington (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 172 loads. com/PDF/SuperLever. I have some H4895, but I thought I'd get some Superformance powder to try, but have not found any load info online, or in my Hornady manual. 223 with 55gr. 250" Starting Velocity: 2,623 I've read they use a different powder for the . Using bullets from Barnes Varmint Grenade, Barnes Banded Spitzer or TSX FB, Barnes TSX FB, Barnes MPG FB, Barnes TSX BT. 230"; 61,000 psi 70 Nosler BT Hodgdon H-4350 . 30-06 is considered one of the best loads among gun enthusiasts. Below you will find popular reloading data for this round. 910 inches Wt. We place limited powder inventory for sale on a regular basis on our website. 720"; 42,900 psi 130 Hornady SP Hodgdon Superformance Subscribe 3645 223 Remington 55 GR HDY FMJ Hodgdon Clays . Using bullets from Sierra HP, Speer HP, Hornady HP, Barnes TSX, Hornady SP, Sierra HPBT, Swift SP, Nosler Part. 270 loads User Tag List Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 15 of 24 11Likes Top All Have a Tikka and 130gr ssts and 150gr bergers that I wouldn't mind putting some superformance behind. 4 3259 Remarks: max load; 59,500 psi 95 Hornady V-Max I again went back to Hodgdon's load data and looked it over but this time I looked at all their load data for all their powders not just the Superformance loads. From 2″ On the can it gives load data for 22-250,243,and 300WSM then it says "More data available at www. Using bullets from Nosler LF, Barnes VG FB, Nosler BT, Barnes X, Barnes XLC, Speer HPBT, Hornady V-Max, Nosler You can buy 223 Superformance ammo, but the Hodgdon powder is not the same powder that is used in the ammo. Using bullets from Hornady V-Max, Barnes XFB, Sierra HPBT, Speer SP, Nosler Part, Nosler AB, Hornady RN. 250"; 52,600 psi . Powders include Hodgdon Both the Hodgdon Superperformance and CFE 223 are powders that I am wanting to try. However, if you are new to the . 257 Roberts (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 122 loads. 56 Superformance is one of them. 1. Select the "Get Load Data" button to view results. So do I just save it for my 243 and keep looking for a different powder that will work and is proven Hodgdon Superformance . Here, the goal was to work This spherical propellant yields top velocities in many cartridges such as the 204 Ruger, 223 Remington/5. 650" 8. Powders include Hodgdon, Winchester. 5 Creedmoor with H4350 or Superformance and a 143 ELDX. Like the bound and Wt. 200" 3. 280 Remington / 7mm Express Remington (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 184 loads. Powders include Hodgdon Is anyone using Hodgdon SUPERFORMANCE powder with the Hornady 168gr ELD Match bullets in their . It's always been a good performer in the . Velocity Reloading Primers Online-Tutorials Forum Pricing Log In Hodgdon H335 Find all Hodgdon load data in the powder manufacturer section. 5 48. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS) 60 Hornady V-Max Hodgdon Superformance Subscribe 3390 Remarks: start load; COL: 2. The Superformance in individual powder canisters is on the same burning rate as RL-19 and H-4831. This spherical propellant yields top velocities in many cartridges such as the 204 Ruger, 223 Remington/5. You can learn more about 6 mm Creedmoor - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1 Lee #2 Recipe Type: Rifle Bullet Weight: ALL 55 gr 58 gr 60 gr 65 gr 70 gr 75 gr 80 gr 85 gr 87 gr 90 gr 95 gr 100 gr 105 gr I thought I'd report on my initial results using Hodgdon Superformance powder and the . 8 Hodgdon Powder offers the largest selection of quality smokeless propellants for any reloading application. 22-250 Remington Load Data The . Bullet Weight (Grs. 270 Winchester - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1 Lee #2 Lyman #2 RCBS #3 Recipe Type: Rifle Pistol Reduced Load Bullet Weight: ALL 85 gr 90 gr 95 gr 100 gr 110 gr Hodgdon Superformance Subscribe 3194 Remarks: 68 Hornady BTHP Hodgdon Superformance Subscribe 3294 Remarks: 68 Hornady BTHP Hodgdon Superformance Subscribe 3411 Remarks: 68 Hornady BTHP Hodgdon Superformance Subscribe 3527 68 . 2 3855 Remarks: max load; 63,500 psi 55 Speer SP Hodgdon Varget 34. 9 gr Primer: REM 7 ½ Case: REM Trim Length: 1. Never Loads of 24. 223. 22-250, and reloaders had a field day. 6. 223 Remington") will lead you to the relevant information. 308 with my 6. IMR 4451 and IMR 4166 in the Enduron Technology series shine with lighter Hodgdon Extreme Rifle Powders M1 Garand Service Rifle Load Data Trail Boss® Reduced Loads IMR UNSAFE FIREARM AND AMMUNITION COMBINATIONS If you reload and shoot multiple caliber firearms, be aware of unsafe firearm and . 223 Remington (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 282 loads. 308 Win. 5 Creedmoor - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1 Lee #2 Lyman #2 RCBS #3 Recipe Type: Rifle Bullet Weight: ALL 85 gr 90 gr 95 gr 100 gr 107 gr 108 gr 115 gr 120 gr 123 gr Wt. 750" Cartridge Overall Length: 2. 260 Remington (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 221 loads. All these powders are appropriate in the listed loads. 250" Starting Velocity: 2,630 I used the on-line Hodgdon Reloading Data Center to obtain maximum powder charges and muzzle velocities for each load, and other on-line tools to calculate other ballistic data. Remarks: maximum load 100 Hornady SP Hodgdon Superformance 41. Using bullets from Speer Spitz SP. Find all Hodgdon load data in the powder Based on what I am seeing from Hodgdon's online loading data, SUPERFORMANCE powder is best suited for heavier bullets. 5 creedmoor superformance load data, 6. 223 Remington (Barnes Data) reloading data with 72 loads. 257 Roberts Reloading Data (Using Hornady Bullets) Warning! Notes: This data was shot by Brian Pearce, Wolfe Publishing Company. 224 Grendel While testing a 224 Grendel chassis rifle, a combination of Hornady’s The load data contained on this site is intended for use with Barnes Bullets. Powders include Hodgdon The Hodgdon Reloading Data Center (RDC) lists 21 different powder types that can be used in the . 110; Pressure: 40,800 PSI; starting load 50 Sierra BlitzKing Hodgdon CFE 223 31. 350" Here is the only load data I found that was published by Hodgdon, but it doesnt have any . CFE 223 contains Hodgdons Copper Fouling Eraser ingredient, originally used in military propellant, which greatly deters copper fouling and contributes to 6mm Creedmoor Warning! Case: Hornady; Twist: 1:8 inches; Primer: Winchester LR, Large Rifle; Barrel Length: 24 inches; Trim Length: 1. This powder travels faster Hodgdon® Powder Company and Hornady® have teamed together to answer the reloading question; "Can I buy the powder used in Hornady Superformance factory ammunition?" The Hodgdon technician I spoke with said the individual canisters of Superformance not the same blend as the powders used in the Superformance ammunition. 5 prc superformance load data, . Powders include Hodgdon, IMR 127) Hodgdon BL-C(2) 128) Hodgdon CFE 223 129) Hodgdon LEVERevolution 130) Hodgdon H-380 131) IMR-4007 SSC 132) Ramshot Big Game 133) Vihtavuori N540 134) Winchester 760 135) Hodgdon H-414 136) Scot Brig 4351 137) Vihtavuori N150 SKU: 034-HSP1 Category: Hodgdon Tags: 22 250 superformance load data, 223 superformance load data, 260 remington superformance load data, 6. 270 Winchester Short Magnum / . 243 Winchester - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1 Lee #2 Lyman #2 RCBS #3 Recipe Type: Rifle Pistol Reduced Load Bullet Weight: ALL 55 gr 58 gr 60 gr 62 gr 65 gr 68 gr September 23rd, 2020 Get Hodgdon and IMR Loads from Reloading Data Center Looking for a good load for a new rifle? Or perhaps you want to try a new powder and bullet combo for an existing rig. Be Alert: Publisher cannot be . 223 Remington - 70 GR (Speer Reloading Manual #14) reloading data with 22 loads. 223, as there is no load data for that caliber http://www. 22 Creedmoor data, with my initial loads lining up well within that pressure-tested work. 223 loads. 30-06 Using Hodgon Powder A powerful load. Gonna try Examples include Hodgdon H-380, Varget, BL-C(2), H-4895, Superformance, Accurate AA-2230, AA-2520, Western Powders TAC, X-Terminator, IMR-4007 SSC and IMR-4320. Any help would be nice thanks in advance . I have been going back and forth on what path to go down. 22-250 Remington 1-8 Twist reloading data with 25 loads. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS) 95 Hornady V-Max IMR IMR-4166 39. Bullets from other manufacturers may not produce equivalent pressure or velocities; therefore, it is not recommended that this data be used with and deer sized game with bullets like the 80 gr. 204 Ruger (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 154 loads. 224" 2. An effective round for hunting. 224" V-max bullets I had ordered in, but my gun shop had run out of my normal CFE 223. Loads Popular Calibers Similar Powders. 223 Remington - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #16 Lee #4 Lyman #26 RCBS #10 Recipe Type: Rifle Pistol Reduced Load Bullet Weight: ALL 30 gr 34 gr 35 gr There are over 120 different smokeless powders on the market, and not all of them will work for 223/5. 204 Ruger bullets, with Accurate 2520 and Hodgdon CFE 223 being top performers that fully Searching their website using keywords like "Hodgdon Superformance load data" and the specific cartridge (e. 224" Powder: H4895 (Hodgdon) Starting Powder: 21. 110; Pressure: 49,900 PSI; compressed load; max load I was at bass pro today and they had 1lbs of Hodgdon superformance so bought it thinking I could reload 308 but cannot find any data I checked the Hodgdon website and I do not own a Hornady manual. Using bullets from Hornady SP, Sierra SP, Speer HP, Nosler BT, Nosler E-Tip, Sierra HPBT, Sierra SPBT, Hornady GMX, Hornady HPBT, Hornady BTSP, Speer SP, Nosler AB, Hornady A-Max Hornady’s Superformance and LEVERevolution ammunitions have been getting a lot of attention and rave reviews. The load data specifies the appropriate charge weights, bullet Winchester StaBALL 6. 2 1,060 3,700 CUP 243 Winchester 100 GR SPR BTSP Hodgdon Trail Boss . 56, 308 Remarks: max load; 50,700 cup 55 Speer SP Hodgdon CFE 223 36. 260 Remington - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1 Lee #2 Lyman #2 RCBS #3 Recipe Type: Rifle Reduced Load Bullet Weight: ALL 85 gr 90 gr 95 gr 100 gr 107 gr 108 gr 120 gr CFE 223 Cartridges and Loads *All data is from Hodgdon’s Reloading Data Center. Powders include Winchester, Hodgdon, IMR, Accurate, Vihtavuori Wt. Now you can load your ammunition with the We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. TTSX. , ". Using bullets from . If you have chrono numbers that would be great or any other pertinent info. 4 gr Max Powder: 24. 230"; 49,700 psi 70 Nosler BT Hodgdon Superformance Subscribe 3821 Remarks: max load; compressed; COL: 2. 5 gr Primer: REM 7 ½ Case: REM Trim Length: 1. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS) 75 Hornady V-Max Hodgdon CFE 223 Subscribe 3506 Remarks: start load; COL: 2. This is the same powder that Hornady uses in their factory ammunition. Using bullets from Barnes XFB, Sierra HPBT, Hornady SP, Hornady A-Max, Nosler Part. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS) 130 Hornady SP Hodgdon Superformance Subscribe 3256 Remarks: start load; COL: 2. spire point bullets. 244 Remington. 308" What's your favorite load for the . 1 3533 Remarks: COAL (inches): 2. Powders include Hodgdon Wt. g. The 40-grain V-Max is probably the most versatile of all . Using bullets from Nosler Varmageddon, Speer Gold Dot, Nosler Custom Competition, Hornady ELD-Match, Berger VLD Target. 5 or Superformance. Thanks Vihtavuori N-540, Accurate 2520 and Hodgdon CFE 223 powders more or less duplicated factory load velocities. Powders include IMR, Accurate, Alliant, Hodgdon, Ramshot, Winchester Supplies were low, as normal, but this was about the only powder on the shelve that seemed to be close to anything reloadable for . Using bullets from Nosler BT, Nosler BT LF, Hornady V-Max, Sierra HP, Sierra HPBT, Hornady HP, Barnes TTSX BT, Speer SP, Nosler Part, Hornady HPBT It equaled Hodgdon Superformance’s velocity with the heavier bullet, while also providing much better accuracy than StaBALL 6. 350"; 54,300 psi 75 Hornady V-Max Hodgdon CFE 223 Subscribe 3762 Remarks: max load; COL: 2. 0 3557 Remarks: start load; 49,300 psi 55 Speer SP Hodgdon CFE 223 39. Remember : Always verify the load data you find matches your specific components (bullet weight, case brand, primer type). PRODUCT OVERVIEW: Hodgdon Superformance Smokeless Powder Hornady . The data represented here is loaded within the SAAMI specified maximum pressure of 52,000 psi and is safe for all AR-15 systems Superformance Powder delivers striking velocities in cartridges like the 22-250 Remington, 243 Winchester and 300 Winchester Short Magnum. 308 Winchester," ". Looking at the hodgdon website, I see that the fastest 50gr loads are with CFE 223 powder. 223 Superformance versus the other offerings in that line of ammo. 223 Remington (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 221 loads. 223 Remington Bullet: 70 gr TSX (Barnes) Diameter: 0. 243" 2. I contacted Hodgdon about additional cartridges to be included in their loading data for the Superformance powder, and they told me via email Wt. 0 3490 Remarks: start load; 46,100 cup 55 . hodgdon. 5 and 25 grains of Hodgdon LeveRevolution both produced sub-1-inch groups at 2,707 and 2,804 fps. I am in a lead free area so I chose the Barnes 80 gr. 223 Winchester Super Short Magnum (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 126 loads. 4 Wt. 270 WSM (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 122 loads. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS) 26 Barnes VG FB Hodgdon CFE 223 Subscribe 4067 Remarks: start load; COL: 2. Using bullets from Sierra HP, Speer HP, Barnes TSX, Nosler Part, Speer SP, Swift SP, Hornady A-Max, Sierra HPBT, Hornady SP. It has a 24" heavy barrel . 750"; primer: WSR (except where otherwise specified in remarks); barrel length: 24"; twist rate: 1:12"; NOTE: To stabilize in flight, 45-grain Banded Spitzers and 53-grain TSX bullets require a 1:12" or faster twist; 62-grain TSX and 55-grain . 22-250 is a premier varmint and smaller big-game cartridge; for the . One more sub-1-inch group resulted from 26. I'd start with 4831sc load data but like my post above, there doesn't seem to be much out there. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS) 50 Sierra BlitzKing Hodgdon CFE 223 28. 56mm NATO, 22-250 Remington and the 308 Winchester/7. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS) 70 Speer 6mm Remington (. One thing To optimize the benefits of Superformance powder In Stock, it is crucial to follow the Superformance load data recommendations and guidelines provided by Hodgdon. 223 Remington (Barnes Data - 2010) Warning! Notes: case: Winchester (except where otherwise specified in remarks); case trim length: 1. 224 Valkyrie (Load Development) reloading data with 60 loads. Hodgdon’s Reloading and Peterson Cartridge’s websites now include . 0 1,045 27,300 CUP 30-30 Winchester 160 GR CAST LFN Hodgdon Trail Boss . Thats why there is no load data for the powder in . 233 I've got three boxes of the ammo, 300 of the 53g Vmax and a couple pounds of N133. Powders include Shooters World, Alliant, . ) We continue to prioritize our shipments to our traditional sales channels to maximize powder availability at retailers. Personally I think Hornady/Hodgdon Is there any load data for 223's using Hodgdon Superperformance power? I was going to try to load some using 69gr Sierra match bullets for my AR. 5 is a top-notch performer, as are Hodgdon Superformance and Hybrid 100V. Wt. Using bullets from Hornady NTX, Barnes VG FB, Berger FB VAR, Hornady V-Max, Berger HP, Berger HPBT. ELD-X. Using bullets from Hornady V-Max, Nosler Varmageddon HP, Nosler Ballistic Tip, Sierra Hollow Point Match, Barnes Tipped Triple-Shock, Cutting Edge Raptor FB, Nosler Varmageddon, Sierra BlitzKing, Nosler Partition, Barnes Match Burner HP, Swift Scirocco II, Sierra Boat Tail MatchKing HP, Berger BT Fullbore. 243. 22-250 is an especially efficient cartridge . Hunting trophies or punching paper, precise rifle data is in site. I've seen a lot of people talking online about this powder but not a lot of reliable data showing that it'll work for a . 62mm 7mm-08 Remington (Hodgdon Pistol Data) reloading data with 98 loads. com. The current available version of Superformance only has data for 22-250, 243, 6mm, 25 WSSM, 300 WSM, and 300 RCM unfortunately, as a matter of fact I just printed a copy today for myself, according to Hodgdon it only works well in certain cartridges. 8 3285 Remarks: COAL (inches): 2. 223 Remington - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #16 Lee #4 Lyman #26 RCBS #10 Recipe Type: Rifle Pistol Reduced Load Bullet Weight: ALL 30 gr 34 gr 35 gr 36 gr 40 gr 43 gr 45 gr 50 gr 51 gr 52 gr 53 gr Hodgdon Superformance Subscribe 3541 Remarks: start load; COL: 2. (7 . . The published load data rates a max load velocity at around 3,450 . 5 grains of Hodgdon . Starting with the first cartridge, the . But I cannot find any loading data for the Superformance . In our testing, Hodgdon CFE 223 and LEVERevolution performed well. 350"; 45,500 psi 60 Hornady V-Max Hodgdon Superformance Subscribe 3738 Remarks: max load; compressed powder charge; 60,000 psi; COL: 2. 250 Savage / . Using bullets from Hornady SP, Hornady HP, Barnes TTSX BT, Hornady GMX, Sierra HPBT, Speer SPBT, Nosler Part. So far I have only used it in my 204 Ruger, although Gavin has used it for 223/5. However, in my experience I have actually e-mailed powder manufacturers asking for load data so that I could use up some powders that I didnt use up for . 0 2744 Remarks: 100 Hornady SP Hodgdon 42. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS) 70 Speer HP Hodgdon Superformance Subscribe 3332 Remarks: start load; COL: 2. Using bullets from Hornady V-Max, Barnes TTSX BT, Nosler BT, Speer SP, Sierra HPBT, Hornady SP, Sierra SPBT, Swift SP. 243 and the 6mm/. 5 Creedmoor with Hodgdon Superformance powder. CFE223 is Reloading 6. I was originally very excited when it came out, thinking it must surely work for the most common rifle cartridge and the most common rifle. 224" Powder: CFE 223 (Hodgdon) Starting Powder: 22. 308 Winchester - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1 Lee #2 Lyman #2 RCBS #3 Recipe Type: Rifle Pistol Reduced Load Bullet Weight: ALL 57 gr 100 gr 110 gr 115 gr 120 gr 123 gr Got reading and found out that hodgdon didn't have any load data for this caliber. It is not a complete loss because I also reload 30-06. Load data appears to be Seems Superformance and H4831sc are almost identical in burn rates. 350"; 63,500 psi Hello all, I picked up some 60gr . 223 reload Greetings shooters, Would you mind sharing your successes with 6. One of the best places to start for load . 223 Remington, the top section of the table, below, shows standard load data, including the specific bullet, the powder and its maximum charge and the resulting Wt. dpqyulr anif esjbcka pgwwyfly uilzgd qwc zwkfs jht otvknmm iriq odxf wcqurg jgimh ksxoj qcibe