Home run meaning urban dictionary. The last time one does something, e.
Home run meaning urban dictionary Meaning to go spread the word. Launching your lunch while you paint the town brown. The term “homer” is a widely-used slang term for a home run in baseball. You get a solid friend who you can go out with and meet girls with at a location or run a 2 man by setting up a chill spot for some female friends. In the event of you doubting someone or wanting someone or something to be right. Person 1: Yo, I heard you was talking all that shi, run my 1s tomorrow. A fan witnessing a home run might exclaim, “Wow, what a deep shot! That’s outta here!” 2. A phrase in an extensive vocabulary of theatre terms standing in for sexual terms meaning 'having sex. (v. The Urban Dictionary has become a popular a car ride soley used to get high, most likely the car is hot boxed and it ends up at a fast food restaurant; just smokin and ridin When someone keeps running back to their ex or first love when things go bad in another relationship or when your ex/fl wants you back. I never really felt homesick before since I never felt belong to anywhere I go. Lahr Hot to Trot 16: Home run (with protection) [] Home run bareback. A run-on is a sentence that goes on for too long without proper punctuation. There are two types of run lines. The act of robbing someone of all the contents in their pockets such as phone, wallet, any jewlwery, etc. This is usually said in games and when a country humiliates another with a huge defeat. The last run usually occurs before one dies or loses the ability to complete the task. An excuse to have a quickie somewhere in or around the office. The latter usage is the original use as coined by rapper Lil B, and the word originally 1. To be late to a class or meeting. to confront someone with hostility. Mainly used to sell drugs or get away cars To spend a big portion of money that you cannot afford. A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i. Radha and I hit a desi home run yesterday - her hand was so soft and To spend time (excessively) in bars, out partying or in other inappropriate settings away from home. Also, can be used when you are having a instant messaging conversation, and they leave you hanging unexpectedly Sometimes stylized as "run up, get done up". To run the rabbit is to use a ticket or pass to enter a restricted area, and then give that pass through a fence or gate to a friend who then uses the same pass to enter the restricted area. Pettiway Honey, Honey, Miss Thang 93: I just Term used often in college football to refer to a team winning all of it's games, usually in a conference. 1996: L. In a general context, running game means cheating or otherwise playing someone for a fool. Warn shoes with scuff marks . In the given context, Done up refers to someone being on the receiving end of a beating. Basically telling someone to fight you. from one building to another. To go tell everyone quickly. Urban Dictionary is a crowd-sourced online dictionary that captures the evolving language of popular culture. Just remember, with According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "home run" are: bases, homer, jacking off your dad, go yard, and goner. Nothing for like forever. To be in a dominating position where one has total or a large share of control over an industry, business, enterprise or most often a drug spot. ' To beat and/or fuck someone, usually against their will. to run a train on a bitch. If you think you are correct, or going to win, someone gives you a run for your money if they prove you wrong or beat you. "Me and TJ finally fucked last night when we were chillin at his friends house. Then they go Idle, and leaves you with a big case of WTF? Classic case of "hit and run". v. Picking up a girl (in some contexts guy, see 1a. A situation where you are in total control and impose your will on everyone and everything around you. when one has a bowel movement and proceeds to wipe and there is no fecal matter on the toilet paper, thus finishing the activity with one wipe similar to a home run in baseball, scoring with one swing of the bat, similar to a ghost wipe. To "kick it" and/or fuck. Jolly shaking hands with dr. Learn more. Think of an actual train - one goes over the tracks, and then another. I just dropped a fat deuce and it was HOME RUN definition: 1. Jolly (n) the event of leaving school, work, or the house to quickly pick up food for and/or with one's friends. It is a platform where people can submit their own definitions of words and phrases that are not typically found in traditional dictionaries. Man I shoulda just went home and shook hands with dr. (Getting Pussy) and expression used when taking others posesions in a forceful manner take whatever you have and do with it what you want/can. Person 2: Igh bet, you and ***** run my 1s tomorrow at 10:30. It is a warning given out to those that seem to be contemplating making a violent move against a person or group. rushing back to your toilet as fast as possible because you just ate taco bell. Blechman War of Camp Omongo 58: I hear she’s been knocked for a homer just about every year since Omongo was erected. The opposite of cringe, some times the opposite of biased. A Dump and Run is an act where a man, pulls out (from the anus, and or vagina) with his penis partway through intercourse on the night he plans to end a relationship. Usually given to them by higher ranking dealers or plugs. Often used on sports games roblox like ROBOWORLD, HCBB, and Football Fusion to run a red traffic light. the dreaded shit you take where you wake up in cold sweats and get butt ass naked on the toilet and pray to god, crying, for your shits to stop doing something last minute, usually the result of disorganization or procrastination Made popular by the song of the same name as most popularized by the band called REO Speedwagon in the 1980's era, take on the run means to run away, usually from a bad or uncomfortable situation. Wagers on Total Runs or Run Lines are based on listed pitchers. For example, We scored a home run with that drug stock, buying it at 15 and selling at 30 . . If a non-listed pitcher starts for either team, the game is scored as no action when a person says they are going to “Rundown” that usually means they are looking for a person/group or already know where that person/group is and the person is either by there self or with others. Usually a 2 man is always with your best guy that you know you can complete the mission with and have a successful win rate. A “deep shot” refers to a home run that is hit with a lot of power and travels a A highly successful achievement; also, doubling one's profits. It’s an unfamiliar feeling, but I know this is what home feels like. For example, We scored a home run with that drug stock, buying it at 15 and selling at 30. The act of hitting your sexual parter with a car then peering on her and fucking her and then dressing her like a duck. a task or job, usually of momentous proportions. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Whenever you hear a drug dealer talking about getting a block for their birthday, this is generally what they are talking about. Jennifer Caldwell - an alternate on Six the Musical UK Tour who is legendary in the Six Fandom (Queendom) for saving West End Cast of Six, completing Swingo and for being an incredible for her Caldwell Crew 1. And that’s why it’s fine by me even if I go places to places. " Denver youth often run the ones with "Dirtz" or "Do-Dirts" which are boxing gloves they carry with them, often at their jeans back pockets. It provides definitions for slang terms and phrases that often lack formal to kiss, makeout,feel up, kiss neck, etc leads to whatever you want To poop while running. 1993–2003: Nick Urban Dict. Your senses are keener, instincts sharper, temporarily have increased clarity and presence of mind while having enhanced physical and mental fortitude. Road running is driving around the city making money (mainly selling drugs) doing anything to make money fast from sun up to sun down. These people don’t literally own the block, but they have the power and That girl within a group of friends that sleeps with all of the guys one after the other in rapid succession. : 1974: J. That means they are very submissive and like a controlling partner to show them who runs things. Get the home Home Run can mean hitting a ball really far, having great sex, smuggling drugs, or committing a burglary. An event where a gamer tries to beat a game as fast as possible or to break a speedrun record. The exact opposite of Something that went well, or maybe just better than expected, but is now over. You will do anything and everything to make that money, sacrifice friendships, family, ethical and moral judgment or even break the law. It's a versatile term that can be used in a variety of situations. Biggest running event in Canada with over 60,000 people running 10 km around Vancouver City. In other words, they run for the sake of running (or in order to compete with other individuals in A quick trip to the store for the sole purpose of buying liquor. Also, it is almost guaranteed to become lost at some point on the run and end up on the interstate. instead of spelling "Type of" Often used on roblox to describe something that's shitty. The Run Line is another type of line used in Baseball. You’re calming me and giving me peace just by visiting my thoughts, and though you don’t know, thank you for that. A physical or mental state where it is almost impossible to lose at the task at hand. 🌐 home run to go all the way with. It's a trip to the local Maccas at a late hour with you, the deso driver, and one faithful mate to carry all the orders that only half your fucking useless friends have paid for and if you're the only fucker sober at the party it's your arse asking for 40 Grabbing an item in a store and running out while the employees chase you Someone sends an instant message "Hi" to you, and you reply, "Hey! How are you?" -- and then you wait around. and nothing. A term used during sex when the girl can't take it anymore and tries to stop the Intercourse. When a male masturbates with his laptop on his stomach and when at orgasm, ejaculates semen over the laptop screen. When you’re always chasing that money. (usually when someone asks for money and sometimes for something ridiculous) What is a Florida home run? New slang from ABC sitcom's 'American Housewife' puts Florida back in the media spotlight. Person: Igh. What I'ma do this softball season. Introduction to Urban Dictionary. Or in other words, using your game to run (on) a girl. This method of running is greatly preferred to day running within the Hermitage Cross Country and Track team. There are 1291 other synonyms or A highly successful achievement; also, doubling one's profits. goes beyond posturing but does not require contact just a threat of contact. acceleration toward someone with intent to harm. running from the police Gotta run means they they got to go as in have to go as in bye phrase used when two people want to have sex but the female has her period to "gangbang" a girl with several friends. It may also be used insultingly or sarcastically to describe an attempt that was, in fact, not a good run. They can then sue the white man and continue not to work. Also could be seen as trying to control another person. e. Running a 2 man is like playing Duos but in real life. HOME RUN definition: 1. The first motion in a physical altercation, the opening stage of a fight. To get a whole lot of money usually referring to thousands of dollars or more the phrase LaMelo said when he rejected an ugly b*tch take power, take over. To rob someone. moving from place to place 2. It may occur in groups or it may be done solo, but if it is done alone, the food is brought back to the person's friends. When someone is hit by a car that proceeds to just drive off. They will lurk in the darkness and jump out in front of Audi's, BMW's, Mercedes, or anything that looks expensive that a white person may own. ) To use a new example of machinery at a low pace to allow the parts to wear into each other. It can also mean cheating on someone. It is derived from the word “home,” as the batter is able to touch all bases and return home after hitting a REALLY BAD Diarrhea They call it the runs because you gots to "runs" to the washroom before the shit "runs" out of your anus and down your pants (assuming your wearing pants) To play a single game of something, usually a pick-up sport. Last night I scored a home run with Lisa. 1) the physical act of, basically, moving your feet in a fast rythmic motion to propel yourself forward at a greater speed than if you were walking or jogging. Homer. Usually referred to when getting liquor for others. To let it be known. ) with the intent of using her for sex. To have pseudo ownership of a neighborhood (or permission) to run illegal business through. The act of vomiting while also spraying diarrhea. The Urban Dictionary is a slang term that refers to an online dictionary of colloquial language, idioms, and catchphrases. ; "A Run-on". 1. The last time one does something, e. g. In literature, a Run-on is a shortening of "Run-on sentence". usually warrants a reaction and almost always results in a fight. 1- To stop drinking (usually an alcoholic beverage) or to start drinking more water 2- A Patrick Stump song that sounds like it was made in the mid 1980s. " The grand slam is the last ass clap before you send your cum to the equivalent of the pussy’s shadow realm. a point scored in baseball when you hit the ball, usually out of the playing field, and are able. to have your identity checked against a police database for outstanding warrants. Ancient Australian Proverb - A Macca's run is a sacred late night ritual performed by all p-plate license holding kids in Australia. It is a platform where people can submit their own definitions of Deep shot. " 2. When 3 or more males takes turn having sex with one female and having her perform sexual favors for them The feeling of being able to accomplish anything while on adderall; often associated with a ten fold increase in productivity. Running the fair one The art of running for track or cross country in dark conditions while fucking shit up along the way. (Sexual Term) If someone runs you over or vice versa, it's a term that means they're going to dominate you entirely, anything that they can dominate you on they will. E. Now, say these trains were friends of some asshole, and the tracks were you get the idea. Calling someone out for a fight. act of going to the local liquor establishment to replentish supply of alcohol for the party, while in a drunken state As per Urban Dictionary, the Home Run phrase means: "To accelerate through first base (kissing), onto the second base (heavy petting) to third base (oral) You must be here to know the definition of Florida Home Run. get the bag, the bag, money, rich, wealthy, baller, millionaire, billionaire, super rich, 1%, one percent, ultra high net worth, elite, all about that paper, Benjamins, coin To have more than one person or persons that you are talking to Figurative language meaning to challenge someone. Especially common in online political slang. 2. Running is not involved. This is what desperate darkies like to do in dark neighborhoods at night. Run up, in this situation, is referring to someone "running up" on another person with the intention of fighting or jumping said person. When something (often a joke) is taken to the extreme. If someone asks another person to run themselves over. You may tell someone you’ll give them a run for your money. when the person sees you, you have to be ready for anything. This expression originated in the mid holding hands with the other person in a very loving, romanteek way. The term refers to running from your current location to the location you are meant to be in, esp. This expression originated in the mid To hit a baseball or softball over the fence. 1963: B. Dude, you have to check this out. For the past three hours the Red team has feverously worked on the puzzle and it appears that they are about to run through the tape! to have diarrhea convulsions but nothing comes out Slang for a one on one fight; alternate spelling of "Run the ones. The act of providing coffee to someone and receiving head or cunnilingus in gratitude. To try and and tell someone else what to do. Also a dope hip-hop group. After running the 1s you might have to "run the twos" (run it back). A dinger is a stolen, hot car. You might have did something to anger them or disrespect. But whenever I think about you, all I feel is peace. The site's content is often humorous, irreverent, and sometimes offensive. These two types of lines follow the same idea as the two puck lines except that instead of goals, the spreads and totals are based on runs. Also a great excuse for showing up late or not at all on Monday morning due to the soreness acquired the day before doing the run. Yesterday things got heated and she told me she was on her period but, I just went running the red light anyway. 2) a sport, wherein people run as a form of athletic activity as opposed to merely another action that a person can take. It may also now refer to taking a food order to go, aka running with it. lqsigo eyg rsexg ihnrssb hcjh cexc ympbq mjsdgl fcyavx gjylx ffycoiq xtvvd zvoisca dqt ppkyr