Mdt capture image without sysprep So if I manually sysprep the VM and it shuts down, how do I boot it to So do you then have to manually join your device to the domain and manually add the Local Admin account that are currently being set through the unattend file in the sysprep process Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) can be used to capture an installed Windows image from a reference computer into a WIM file. My primary use is to deploy new machines using a pristine OS wim and application bundles. Deploy a vanilla image (with or without apps) from mdt Configure how you want (more apps, whatever) Launch the capture process from that os it Will Sysprep, reboot, and capture to your mdt share you can then import that image into mdt for later deployment Note: Do this all from a VM to save time and pain but really , just skip all that, download the latest iso from Microsoft Solved this by uninstalling built in apps and turning off bitlocker encryption. I’ve no clue what’s going on but I tried capturing an image using MDT last night and it does not want to work - it worked just fine last week! When I launch litetouch. Also don't forget to check the generalize option. on my Monitoring, it’s Then mount MDT Build Lab x64. I’ve made sure that the TS is enabled. An important update for Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT_KB4564442) has been released. Why do this at all though? The current common path for Windows 10 is to deploy the base media (that has been serviced to include the latest CU) and they layer on all changes and customizations after the base image is deployed. But as of right now, that "capture image" option does not show up, even with the bootstrap and customsettings setup as outlined above. Secondly, you import the newky created syspreped image from the Captures folder into the Operating Systems folder in the MDT console. My problem is when I'm initiating my Capture Task Sequence, once VM restart to start sysprep, I finally get this error: Set up a fresh Windows Server 2025 (without services DHCP, WDS & MDT) virtual machine to use as a template for capturing the image. SkipCapture controls the Capture settings pane in the initial MDT wizard. Version 6. I am following a guide on youtube on how to set up MDT to sysprep and capture a Windows 11 image. at this point I just sysprep the machine, shut it down, connect an external drive, use some kind of Windows PE (Hirens is a good one) and just use DISM there to capture it to a WIM. wsf is called to 2022-03-01 15:52:35, Info [0x0f0054] SYSPRP ValidatePrivileges:User has required privileges to sysprep machine . I run sysprep and choose the option to shutdown. I'm just learning MDT and I followed this guide here to setup the sysprep and capture task sequence. Turn on HyperV on your workstation, new VM, Gen 2, install everything, sysprep, capture to WIM. 2022-03-01 15:52:35, Info [0x0f007e] SYSPRP FCreateTagFile:Tag file C:\windows\system32\sysprep\Sysprep_succeeded. During an image capture task sequence, LTIApply. vbs screens on the Win11 box, it then reboots, but then just boots back to the OS. In the eleventh video from the series I am going to show you ho Anyway, my boss gave me the task of learning how to use MDT and build a new image for a client, around 100 end devices or so. Here's the setupact. vbs script to capture images: But I’ve found this video (FF to 6:05) which shows that MDT is capable of having a machine PXE boot to the task sequence without having to use the script. Sorry for long post, trying to provide as much info as possible: I have 2 deployment shares: 1 for capturing, 1 for imaging. CB It’s something that I hadn’t tried in a while: Capturing a custom Windows 11 image using MDT. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another. 8450. We just run them before sysprep or after deployment. I run sysprep /generalize /oobe /shutdown Log Hi All I use MDT 8450 to create a reference image for Windows 10 Pro 1803 with I’ve been using MDT since 2010, but only for deployments. After the capture completes (which is unusable), I can look in the panther file to see why it failed and resolve but I have to wait until the capture completes. I had been running a script which maps the relevant network drive, and starts the Was wondering if you have experienced a black screen after going through the initial sysprep process and the image goes into WinPE and the capture process starts. Hello, This post is a follow-up or compliment to creating an image of Windows for mass-distribution (Windows 7). Information is as follows. Instead of looking like Sysprep and Capture It looks like a Standard Client deployment A bit odd because the only task sequence that I have currently is the Sysprep and Capture The task sequence was created as a Capture and Sysprep my Custom Settings rules At the same time i had another issue trying to Capture an image using MDT. Information ADK: 2004 MDT: version 8456 OS: Feb Win11 23H2 Background Default capture task sequence based on the Win11 23H2 OS imported straight into the capture share. Hey reddit, I am confused what is going on. In the past it would generalize Windows through sysprep, copy a PE image over and reboot to that. One of my main goals was to try and achieve a deployment method that meant no base image/capture process. If i disable the Windows Update steps in the REF-Image task sequence the script and sysprep/capture runs just fine without any errors. Runs Sysprep to generalize Windows. Then I create a capture image in WDS because the sysprep and capture in MDT does not work at all. I run litetouch. The sysprep part works fine but when it restarts and tries to load into the MDT UI to capture the image it gets stuck in a loop. But there were a few posts on Reddit commenting about challenges doing so, so I thought I’d try it. Yes, you can use the Windows 10 ADK and build a PE environment that can use DISM tool to capture an image. Then I updated the DeploymentShare regenerating the boot image completely. I would normally make a golden image with the OS and software I need. After the sysprep task it would reboot and end up in a boot loop trying to load files. I had created an image for use in my classrooms, which captured successfully. It will then run SysPrep and attempt to reboot back into the Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. How can I capture this image without using a bootable imageX media? I have a capture and sysprep task sequence created with sysprep disabled but how do I capture the wim? Thanks It works on the pre-sysprep VM, and does not on the deployed image. I'm normally do not caputre the image to deploy a golden image for my pcs. MDT, or Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, is an integrated set of tools, processes, and guidance that streamlines the automation of desktop and server deployments. In your reference device sample, follow the steps to capture a WIM image: I am trying to do a capture from a VM as we use this to get all the software installed and setup and then using MDT to capture the image. I ran the Task Sequence on the Client, gave the username and password to connect to the share, and under "Domain" I typed in the hostname of the Server VM without any quotations marks, slashes or backslashes, all letters in capslock. Choose the sysprep and capture TS. Means we can easily update our windows images without the need of recapturing. wim file) If you captured the golden image with the default MDT capture task sequence it will sysprep it before capture. iso on MDT01 to C:\ISO on your Hyper-V host (HV01). wim files before adding them to the server. I was able to manually sysprep my Windows 10 machine and boot into the capture wizard on WDS to capture. The imaging one works fine. Une fois que la capture est terminée, vous pouvez importer votre image dans MDT pour commencer à la déployer. For example, the following steps could be used to capture a base image of the OS with default apps installed. Votre appareil aura plusieurs partitions, mais vous devez uniquement capturer la partition Windows. There is one MS App that I cannot remove and sysprep breaks in MDT. I know golden images have seen their sell by date but the scenario has a peculiar set of circumstances. I step through the litetouch. wsf is called to setup WinPE on the local disk, then LTISysprep. Also to know if your windows is "OK" you can run the sysprep manually without using MDT. Then on the image go to Scripts folder and run Litetouch. Once everything perfect then create a task sequence in MDT to capture it. I am creating the reference image on a VM in VMWare. One thing I did Have you tried injecting the network driver in to the boot image of MDT. This image is used during manufacturing to deploy to new systems. I’ve used both ImageX (deprecated) and DISM to manually capture after manual sysprep. I am at the point where the image is ready and I am running the Litetouch. It’s assumed that you have a server or PC ready to install MDT and create a file share for MDT to build the image with. user prefs + base apps) Take this opportunity to make a copy of your VM & VHDX by now you should have created a sysprep and capture task sequence in MDT. This summer, Windows 10 is upon us, and we have already begun slowly transitioning some areas Let's see if you can help decipher this issue. The capture one currently doesn’t boot to WINPE. MDT MDT 2012 Windows Hello Everyone, Recently when I sysprep my image and then attempt to capture the image through MDT task sequnce, the capture fails on the target OS with the following: However, if I do not sysprep the image, the capture completes. You boot the system into WinPE and run the capture from there. On my deployment server, I create a new install image (In WDS) using a fresh Windows 10 Enterprise image. It finishes. They both use the same domain account. You can deploy I had that issue with a previous image where I needed to update my MDT/ADK. wim). I have a black or blank screen for virtually the whole process until it completes. I have tried to download the latest Windows 10 (1511) Enterprise media from VLSC. It then restarts the computer into the Windows PE boot image specified Hi, As mentioned in previous posts, I’m currently trying to get our deployment set up system finalized. xml files in the Then you capture the wim and import it into MDT as an OS. Remarque. I have an image that has version 20H2 and I can image a unit with it and turn right Nice to Know – Get rid of all junk before Sysprep and Capture when creating a reference image in MDT. My question is what about the unattend. Now it does not, it simply goes from selecting sysprep and I did the usual, mounted and re-commited the image to no avail. Now I’m trying to deploy it with MDT. ; hr = 0x800F0975 If the Windows image that you are trying to capture with the Sysprep and Capture task sequence was originally deployed from a Windows media, the System Reserved partition that is created has a size of 350 MB. 17134. Unless you have no network connection, but I’ve read it can still be done, just takes saving the WIM file and transferring it to your server (flash I have a VM that I am sysprepping. I haven't used WinPE/DISM outside of MDT or used 3rd party tools like CloneZilla, Ghost, etc. It will then run SysPrep and attempt to reboot back into the deployment environment from the local disk MDT & Golden image & Sysprep . The JoinWorkgroup setting ensures that domain policies are not Within a minute of the sys prep and capture task, I get this pop up below (Like it losing connection or something). vbs from the deploymentshare and my sysprep and capture task sequence. From within a client PC, I run the litetouch. Attention. Now should we run sysprep and capture the image or just capture the image without the sysprep? Also please note that the machine you are using is considered "used" after you run a capture only task sequence. Import into MDT and change image in Task sequence, then it restores ok. I have seen a few people online with the same problem but the fixes they Learn how to use the Sysprep and Capture features included with Microsoft Deployment Toolkit to capture a custom reference image of Windows 11 22H2 and then In this video series I am going to be installing and configuring the new Windows Server 2016. I’m wondering if I can add something (to maybe the MDT rule) to tell MDT to stop if sysprep fails? MDT image creation fails at Sysprep. However, once sysprep does complete and reboots into WinPE to capture the image, Windows BSoDs. I have already updated to the latest winPE and ADK. I’ve tried sysprepping the machine first (like how I have a Client VM running Windows 11 Pro, and a Server VM running Windows 11 Pro with MDT - ADK - ADK PE. wim image, when I import the custom image on to MDT, it asks if 'setup/sysprep files' are required. Reportez I know, I know, I should be using MDT to create a generic windows image without drivers for all machines but we dont have that in place and its out of my hands so here I am creating images for each product line we have in production (not alot 5-6 at any given time). Please Hey Everyone, My “Capture Image” task sequence is not working correctly from the Deployment Wizard. Thank you Usually this pulls up, and when I select the "capture" task sequence I built, it has an option on the side to "Capture Image" like this. Then complete the Deployment Wizard using the below settings: Select a task sequence to execute on this Hi, I have updated my MDT and ADK to the latest versions and for some reason Capture image is missing when I run Litetouch script ☹ All I see is Computer details like I want install an image as you can see here: It suppose Capture the image without any software or updates. The hole tutorials on the internet mention always the MDT has built in image capture. xml file i created a mdt/wds deployment for our new workstations. La prochaine fois que l’appareil démarre, il démarre dans OOBE. · Run the litetouch. Does it work without getting any errors ? 18th July 2013, I'm using an MDT syspre and capture task sequence. I’m working with build 10. vbs script in my deployment share to start the capture process. The task manager for network shows lot of activity and in MDT monitoring you see that 65% complete and current step 16 of 23 this is I am trying to capture a custom image from a Win11 and am not having much luck. It is a Sachez que vous pouvez quand même utiliser MDT pour automatiquement effectuer le sysprep suivi de la capture de votre image. sysprep your images before capturing, or add sysprep step to task sequence you use to capture. First off, you should make sure that you have MDT fully updated; Johan’s guide is a good start: MDT has had the sysprep and capture broken for quite a long while. And because it already contains the WinRE image, it does not have enough free space for MDT to apply the WinPE image. in a long time so I could be wrong but I remember there can be issues with certain 3rd party applications not liking being imaged without special considerations (like Per this link , I know that lots of people are just using the capture task sequence & the litetouch. And, source files for that. vbs from the deployments script folder and selecting my Sysprep and Capture task. The TS starts, reboots, asks for some input attempts to start, So far I am able to push out Windows 10 version 21H2 to a machine, but I still am unable to capture an image of that version. No issues, no alerts etc. I created a reference computer and install everything I need. It kept on failing at sysprep. Start the REF001 virtual machine, and allow it to boot. Then, create a task sequence and select from the dropdown list Standard Client Task, and from there you will be able to choose the image you had created. I’m running WDS/MDT on a 2019 server with the Windows 11 apk installed. Same deal. I can manually sysprep after that but mdt still essentially skips the "execute sysprep" step and reboots back into the reference image. This file contains the OS image that's based on the settings you specify in this wizard. I hope this post helps SCCM admins create MDT custom images. You would need to inject the driver in to x64 and x86 boot image It will then run SysPrep and attempt to reboot back into the deployment environment from the local disk and send the image to the MDT server. e where to save the image, what to call it, etc). It doesn’t sysprep or create an image. I never had to boot to PE to capture an image. This post will teach you how to capture Windows 10 image creation using MDT. Take a snapshot of your virtual machine and run C:\Windows\System32\sysprep. I start it from within the Windows install I'm trying to capture. My issue is that I got this to work 1 time and now every time I go to capture the VM the network drops during sysprep and of course the MDT share is lost and sysprep just hangs forever never completing. I've now build a 24H2 VM and running litetouch. wim will be in the Captures folder in the I am new to MDT & WDS. The final complication I have is with Sysprepping an image with a task sequence. Then you can deploy such a master (golden) Windows image to other computers over network using any MDT has had the sysprep and capture broken for quite a long while. It is in production at the moment, but is also very much on the fly, and I need to get processes laid out. wim image without any problem, after the capture i've update the deployment capture share, using the next configuration that i've If I deploy an image from the MDT, can I capture that same image without issues? I have many applications and WSUS setup so I can either deploy a blank image that updates during state restore or push a custom image to speed things up. Reply reply Also you can now add new software (or update existing) without changing your image at all Sysprep, how many times did you sysprep this image? Are you going to hit the sysprep limit at some point and have to create a new image? But the cost of splitting this out is time, longer deploy times (do you First off, thanks for looking at my issue! I've had an MDT server and I have created two task sequences. MDT sits on a Dell PowerEdge R440 Windows server 2019 , share I’m sure there are close to a million threads on this topic. 8th October 2024, 11:31 PM #4. It will say loading files like it’s trying to boot into the MDT UI but after a few seconds it restarts and it just keeps doing this. If you are installing updates via MDT it will take ages. Windows 11 deployment is also showing can not find script file Bootstrap. A later image could be captured with more end customer apps installed. 3. I’ve created a vm with a clean Windows 10 21h2 installation and a few programs such as greenshot, adobe reader, and chrome. Biggest thing you want to avoid is trying to run a feature upgrade on a VM and the do a sysprep and capture. I’m New to MDT and Deployments but the issue happens after a Sysprep Reboot and it seem to not to capture the image. Might work better with the Firstly, yes, you use WDS to pxe boot the MDT boot image. 1000. 0. Hoping someone else has a lab or environment they can I’ve been having an issue with my sysprep & capture sequence and I’m not sure what’s causing it. Over time I’ve solved many problems along the way and I enjoy how MDT allows me to easily deploy new machines, or to wipe/reinstall a machine to set it back to a pristine state with almost no manual effort or Let’s see how to create a custom image using MDT. Hey guys, Used to capture image without issues, now I am trying to make one with Windows 10 1909 and it fails at sysprep (ADK is upgraded to 1903) Here is the setupact. vbs file from the Production share, before proceeding complete the following “clear history” tasks Create a new Syspre and Capture TS. Capture Reference Image cant find script file LTIBootstrap. If you capture it some other way you should manually syspreped it before capture. I built an Windows 10 image from scratch with applications and captured it using DISM (. I included the log file below. Now I’m trying to capture a smaller one without the academic software for my office people/admins. I want to deploy the image without drivers, I want to let Windows update install the drivers automatically since we have many different models of laptops and desktops. But it didn’t make any difference In this guide we will walk through installing and configuring Microsoft Deployment Toolkit to build and capture a reference image of Windows 11 22H2 using a Hyper-V Virtual Machine. sysprep is returning a ton of errors. The sysprep step will reboot the VM, but MDT already setup the VM to reboot into WinPE, so the pending Windows reboot is still there. Running the standard . . Sys prep looks to complete and reboots to the capture stage Then mount MDT Build Lab x64. Then complete the Deployment Wizard using the below settings: Select a task sequence to execute on this Now that the reference IoT device has been customized with software and settings, the system is prepared for mass deployment using Sysprep and then captured to a WIM image using DISM. One to deploy an image that I captured a couple of years ago, and another to capture. This issue is caused by using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) build 8456. Windows 11 is hot garbage. I make a task "Sysprep and Capture" I run the following cscript on the golden image: net use * \\deployment-server\\DeploymentShare$ I am stuck with trying to capture Windows 11 with MDT. I have removed the ADK 10 stuff, installed Windows 11 ADK, and rebuilt the deployment share and wds image. I'm guessing because SecureBoot crap cannot be verified at boot time. Really appreciate you all for looking at this. Then on the image connect to the newly made deployment share, when your ready to sysprep and capture, perform a \mdtserver\sharename$ and user id should be domain\mdtaccount and then the password. I have burned my MDT server to the ground, and started fresh. It's been awhile since I've captured an image, so I figured I'd update a PC all the way and do another capture. How can I go about taking an image of the machine? I also do not want to sysprep. Hello Everyone, Hope everyone is having a great day. The capture only fails if the image is syspreped first. Une fois l’image préparée par Sysprep, l’appareil de référence s’arrête. Easy. If it fails you know that your issues comes from your windows and not your server. MDT uses DISM for capturing as part of a sysprep & capture task sequence. Perhaps something is breaking due to MDT (what I capture with) not being up to date for Windows 11? The only thing left for me to try is to sysprep, reboot, then try mdt to see if it's specifically sysprep or a further step. log: SYSPRP Sysprep_Clean_Validate_Opk: Audit mode can't be turned on if there is an active scenario. vbs to sysprep and capture the same way (as works Help; Register; Login; Home; Forum; iSpy; Today's Posts; Calendar; 'repair my pc' and run dism to capture the image to network share. Without doing anything. 1 (1803) for Education. My Reference Image is constantly failing around step 88, starting Execute Sysprep. I've been diving into MDT lately and everything except creating a Reference Image is working the way I'd like it to be. vbs script, select the Capture Task, and go through the next screen, choose I’m Capturing/imaging with MDT and when doing a Capture, it will still continue capturing even if sysprep fails. xml file after that i would bout into MDT PE and run a capture. swf/vbs, and select capture image, it previously asked me to provide the capture information (i. I have to wait until the capture completes, then go the sysprep log and see why it failed and fix the issue. If I copy/paste the name from the log into the remove cmdlet, it executes without Having an issue with the latest ADK and WinPE installs from MS, i have a Hyper V gen 2 windows 11 21H2 to capture a . I wanted a method that could be easily updated (In MDT) without the need to capturing base images or logging into Windows Normally i was running sysprep on the vmware machine then running sysrep with an autounattend. Using a static IP for the task sequence with either a bogus gateway address or bogus DNS server address kills Internet access and allows sysprep to complete. Sysprep and capture is always done on a VM snapshot. Hi Guys I am currently working my way through a Windows 7 deployment project using MDT and so far things are going really well. After getting annoyed with it, I installed MDT on my PC, imported the WIMs from the WDS server, created a Sysprep and Capture task sequence, and used the LiteTouch script to capture an image of a terminal (Not joined to the domain). I PXE boot and select my It's common to capture OS images during different stages of the development process. tag does not already exist, no need to delete anything On the Capture Image page, specify the following settings: Path: Specify a shared network folder where Configuration Manager should store the output image file (. After struggling with it for about two weeks I finally have a decent working image but I've hit a brick wall with the sysprep and capture where sysprep is failing. log. It does its thing and restarts the vm, but then gets into a boot loop I setup my Windows server 2025 VM in order to be able to deploy and capture image thru MDT. I use WDS and MDT. The standard software deployments are mostly the most recent version from chocolately anything else is a manual app deployment Task Sequence is Sysprep And Cature. wim of. After capturing the . vbs Choose the capture task sequence and MDT goes to work. Update: 2021-11-12 After testing, a Build and Capture Task Sequence now appears to work and sysprep works as expected. I You can also capture an image with applications AND user settings but you will want to, again, customize the system in audit mode and run sysprep with an unattend. \\mdtserver\deploymentshare\Scripts\lighttouch. Why is MDT’s Sysprep and Capture such a PITA? I’m running it on a 64 bit server, 64 bit workstation OS. I have has success syspreping the system manually and using MDT just to capture the image. Recently when I attempt to capture a golden image, MDT will still move to the capture task even if sysprep fails. It sysprep’s and restarts, boots into WinPE however rather than just getting on with the Capture Task it loads up as though I have After installing the reference image with a MDT deploy task most things automated. without I’m using MDT for deploying images and gimagex to take . Both on the same network I am still learning the ropes of MDT When I run the Sysprep And Capture Task Sequence, what happens is that my Client VM reboots and then fails to log into the Built-In Admin account saying either the username or the Sysprep and capture your Final image (ICD + def. DISM capture une image de la partition du système d’exploitation et la stocke sur le lecteur D : . MDT latest adk, winpe mdt patched etc etc. I tried creating the reference image with Hyper-V using both Gen 1 and Gen 2 (secure boot and tpm). i can confirm the VM has been Sysprep. It then restarts into the WinPE to capture the image but since it has no network connection it fails because it cannot connect to the network share to capture the image to. This update fixes a boot loop issue. When doing this with my I created a basic sysprep and capture task sequence with Windows 11 being the operating system (imported into MDT from mounted ISO file) I am able to start the task sequence on the Windows 11 machine, it successfully syspreps and then reboots as if it will capture the image. I run sysprep with a custom xml unattend file from sysprep folder and after pc shuts down I want to capture the wim file to import into MDT. However, I’m working on a Win 7 tablet right now that I need to take an image of however can’t get the HDD out. Edit: I in mdt i've being capturing windows 10 22h2 systems from a hyper-v virtual machine with the next configuration without any problem, i mean the sysprep process has being running without any problem, finishing the captupe into a . at this point I just sysprep the machine, shut it down, connect an external drive, use some kind of Windows PE (Hirens is a The DoCapture setting instructs the task sequence to sysprep the image during capture. I’ve tried updating the Hello, I am new to the MDT world and so I am trying to do a Sysprep and Capture of an image and so the first issue is I am missing the Capture page to give it file name and location, but when I continue with the process my VM goes through and reboots like it is suppose too but I am unable to find my WIM file anywhere. I moved away from golden images and using MDT to apply a base windows install they all the customisations are done via scripts and app installs using chocolately. vbs. Copy D:\MDTBuildLab\Boot\MDT Build Lab x86. Is there a script I can put in the MDT task sequence to stop if sysprep fails? Thanks for any advice or assistance. Not anymore w/1803. vbs not working as intended? from the expert community at Experts Exchange The steps below outline the process used to boot a virtual machine using an ISO boot image created by MDT, and then run the reference image task sequence image to create and capture the Windows 10 reference image. iso on the virtual machine. vbs with Windows Updates turned on in TS . I have setup MDT & WDS and started to capture a laptop image, but it carries out sysprep and capture task sequence runs without any errors, then starts the reboot, but then it does not boot into winPE. On that note as well, the folks over at Deployment Research have a great post on creating an updated Windows 7 master image with MDT, very helpful. Pour plus d’infos voir Déployer Windows avec MDT 2010, Partie 3 – Déployer une image référence Windows. but here my next problem as i don’t know which log to look in for troubleshooting or what process is getting stuck on. vbs at the sysprep step, without Windows Updates being Find answers to MDT 2013 Sysprep and Capture LiteTouch. When this process completes the VM will be shutdown and a file named W10-22H2_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR_MINUTE. Hello. aklt aghc mdf lfwx iiy xswa kqgru zgnh trs prlcmw yqapa uhkqnu pbfcye guv buekncy