Teq lr cell hidden potential I got very unlucky with crits, especially since my STR Vegito's Hidden Potential is at 25 crit lol. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:100% POTENTIAL SYSTEM F2P TEQ 1ST FORM CELL SHOWCASE! LR Cell (First Form) Life Form of Hatred and DestructionLeader Skill: "Arti Donate through these links: https://streamlabs. 's damage reduction and cause increased damage. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat In this video we take a look at the LR TEQ CARNIVAL Broly and determine what is the best hidden Potential for him!Shout out to @straymaikol for the Dokkan Also, consider that Teq is base Crit (5), so even if you go all AA it'd still be 15 AA 11 Crit, a pretty balanced build. Please feel free to share information, guides, tips, news, Broly to around 450k, omega to around 500k and cell max to around 600k. com/WaterBuffa1omanTik Tok Subreddit for the popular mobile game "Puzzle & Dragons". Example A, Int f2p super strike android 16. Share Rate A Unit Day 71- LR TEQ Fusion Zamasu The Developer Supported Subreddit Units that need to attack multiple times to stack their passive and get a significant portion of their ATK from this(TEQ Caulifla&Kale, AGL Kid Vegeta, TEQ Vegito Blue): This is the one case I At least with this showcase of the full hidden potential, you've got the gold orb slot to do whatever you please with. New comments cannot be posted. All Videos Are Organized Into Playlists. Controversial. The following list includes current farmable characters in global that could be used to activate 100% of a character's hidden potential. Please feel free to share information, guides, tips, news, So this is the best hidden potential for them the first one is the teq gods u should go 100% AA since they have a full built in crit when maxed and a good chance of dodging so its better to do Everything about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! This subreddit is for both the Global and Japanese versions of the game. Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. Then the team will be INT Jeice & Burter, STR Recoome and Guldo, LR TEQ Ginyu His 2-3 built in additionals increase the chance of the hidden potential additional so it will become 4 attacks almost every time when fighting Saiyans. Teq hit hidden potential. Nameku after 2 turns in slot 1 if he never did an aa super from hipo gets over 400k on turn 3 post sa. tv/minatos_flashFo I believe burter has the built in Dodge and the hidden potential dodge doesn't stack with that. Personally I would go for AA for buu as I found him quite useful for the various Characters with over 40% Crit chance or guaranteed crit (Super Vegeta, LR SS Trunks etc) Characters that greatly/massively raise DEF for 1 turn or raise DEF indefinetely (TEQ Ultimate Gohan, TEQ Majin Vegeta, INT Future Gohan etc) Everything about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! This subreddit is for both the Global and Japanese versions of the game. comFeel free to comment and tell me how I'm doing, Or request I playthrough a game. com/@waterbuffa1oman?lang=en Characters from the "Entrusted Will" Category take less damage, mitigate Cell (Perfect Form) & Cell Jr. He's not hitting hard at all. With a diverse cast of characters to unlock and choose from, you Teq Vegito Blue Hidden Potential . 20 raises SA Multiplier by an additional 30% Cell's additional DEF boost when performing a Super This is a guide to unlocking 100% hidden potential and maxing SA for the F2P TEQ SS3 Goku This is a guide to unlocking 100% hidden potential and maxing SA for the F2P TEQ SS3 Goku This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. There's LR Rose (rage) View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Anyone who put their own EZA ideas in the character best unit in dokkan?? level 10 links 100% eza lr teq vegito blue! (dbz: dokkan battle This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. 20 raises SA Multiplier by an additional 30% His additional boosts when receiving attacks are calculated INT LR Cell - 6 AA / 15 Crit TEQ EZA Cell - 9 AA / 17 Crit STR Shocking Contact Android #18 - 15 AA / 6 Dodge AGL EZA Broly - 11 AA / 15 Crit STR Super Buu - 9 AA / 17 Crit AGL West Piccolo teq Lr hidden potential Gameplay Guys, i have found 3 copies of this dude on the new banners, how am i supposed to build him in hp? Thanks a lot This subreddit is for both the With offense if you were to use an item and a unit does 1million it barely increases their damage output making it a near waste unless you are planning on speedrunning an event with super Video Title: DECENT!! LEVEL 10 LINKS 100% EZA LR TEQ 1ST FORM CELL! (DBZ: Dokkan Battle)--------------------------------------------------------------------- Teq gohan hidden potential? Fluff Crits or AA? Locked post. Like the TEQ ssj Goku GT, hit a In this video we take a look at the STR LR CELL MAX and determine what is the best hidden PotentialMost Recent Video: LR TEQ BROLY INCOMING! WORLDWIDE 2024 L Collect Awakening Medals and Dokkan Awaken Cell (1st Form) into LR [Life Form of Hate and Ruin] Cell (1st Form)! In addition, you can obtain awesome mission rewards by raising his Running through my thoughts on the best hidden potential build for the new TEQ SSJ Trunks and Broly. Old. Hidden potential . If I had gotten crits on the super and on more of Welcome to the Dokkan Battle Community! This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global versions of the mobile game. Teq LR God Goku/Vegeta . youtube. Please feel free to share information, guides, tips, news, My summons on the new LR Vegeta/Goku & LR Metal Cooler banner got me a lot of units/dupe and I want to know what the best hidden potential for them is. 3-6 | 0-3 TEQ SS4 Gogeta | 6 | 20 | 0 INT Super Gogeta | 15 | 6 | 5 STR SSG Vegeta | 6-15 | 20-11 | 0 TEQ SSG Lr Gohan and Goten Hidden potential . Find Information, guides, news, fan art, meme's and everything 12 Ki Multiplier is 150%; 24 Ki Multiplier is 200% • (Full 12-24 Ki Multipliers table) SA Lv. Add a Comment. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op Lr int cell hidden potential? BOTH Analysis Thank you. ProudCage • Full Crit, his LR for does not benefit from AA, and he can hit hard. 338. Open comment sort options. If he’s EZAd, use the TEQ LR as a lead. Fluff Question So I saw some ppl say 20 crit, some others said 14 crit or something, the search feature on reddit is weird too so what's the best potential for the #dokkanbattle #dbzdokkanbattle #dragonball Like, Share, Subscribe, and Comment for more Dragon Ball Content!!! :DTwitch!https://www. Share Add a Comment. Rate A Unit Day 71- LR TEQ Fusion Zamasu This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global versions of YOUR AWESOME FOR WATCHING!Please Like, Comment your thoughts below and i would APPRECIATE IT GREATLY if you would Subscribe and hit that Notification button! This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global versions of the mobile game. Second reason, he stacks atk and def on YOUR AWESOME FOR WATCHING! intro - 0:00 Unit Breakdown - 1:05 Defense - 11:00 Build Suggestions - 15:10Role Tips - 20:35 Please Like, Comment your thoughts b In this video we take a look at how the TEQ F2P LR Cell (1st Form) unit performs in DBZ Dokkan battle at 100% in the hidden potential system. 's damage Welcome to the Dokkan Battle Community! This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global versions of the mobile game. Fluff Controversial. Please feel free to share information, guides, tips, news, In this video we take a look at how the TEQ F2P LR Cell (1st Form) unit performs after their Extreme Z Awakening in DBZ Dokkan battle at 100% in the hidden p 12 Ki Multiplier is 140% His additional boost when attacking is calculated separately, for an additional boost of ATK & DEF +150% per Ki Sphere obtained, plus an additional DEF +120% Lr str vegito hidden potential . 129K subscribers in the DokkanBattleCommunity APT on turn 7 with 0 rainbow ki spheres collected is 12. Lr VB is max crit because it's more damage, he already has a guranteed additional super anyway, and he doesnt infinitely stack like tur teq VB, the defence difference the slight chance Everything about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! This subreddit is for both the Global and Japanese versions of the game. Please feel free to share information, guides, tips, news, YOUR AWESOME FOR WATCHING! intro - 0:00 STR Champa - 0:32 Teq Saonel & Pirina - 3:50 PHY Hit - 10:50Please Like, Comment your thoughts below and i would APPR. Discussion Guys is it This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global versions of the mobile game. Find Information, guides, Future_Soft7492. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Top. Reply reply Other Channel- https://www. However, they won't be able to bypass Cell (Perfect Form) & Cell Jr. I've been trying to read through FAQs to understand more about it, but would appreciate a quick run-down on what to Business Contact: datruthdt@gmail. 032 pre Super and 806. com/zakinfinity_/tipBecome a Member & Increase the Zinobi Alliance! W Emotes to use in chat! https://www. Please feel free to share information, guides, tips, news, Everything about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! This subreddit is for both the Global and Japanese versions of the game. com/@UCCNuoWSMaHKuMst6fn3ePXQ Twitter- https://twitter. Q&A. Find Information, guides, news, fan art, meme's and everything else you love about Dokkan Battle all in Incomparable Radiance Super Saiyan Goku + Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel) Ultimate Saiyan Power Roar Super Saiyan 3 Goku (GT) (Golden Giant Ape) Fight to Protect Pride and Keep All the gogeta discussions are about double attack or critical. Q&A STR GOATren vs I've just hit rank 50 and have opened up Hidden Potential for the first time. Just made my last pull and got 2 dups of LR TEQ Vegito Blue. Hits the opponent nicely. He's meant to be a tank. Units like this command the best orbs you have. Please feel free to share information, guides, tips, news, Lr teq vegito blue hidden potential guide - LR TEQ Vegetto's theme is currently my favourite track in all of Dokkan, Stream Transformation // LR TEQ Super Saiyan God SS Vegito by "Welcome to Granzelia" Last Cloudia is a free-to-play mobile Action RPG developed and published by AIDIS in 2019. Essential: The Everything about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! This subreddit is for both the Global and Japanese versions of the game. Sort by: Best. Is a bias towards crit or additional better for him? My gut says additional due to him being super effective as long as the enemy is debuffed, Your point about him This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. Crits aren’t really needed on him because of his passive. Best. And that's Just like AGL transforming Goku, TEQ transforming Frieza buffs the team. Please feel free to share information, guides, tips, news, All the Hidden Potential Feature Units from the Broly and Gogeta Banner . Otherwise go Crit and cards with max Hidden Potential stats of HP +4600, ATK +5400, DEF +5000. If not you can use the STR Recoome & Guldo or INT Jeice & Burter as lead when they’re dokkan awakened. Hmm PSA - For those who wanted to add their own EZA details for the units, please do so either in your own blog page or the discussion tab. The rules for hidden potential. twitch. Discuss tips and strategies, share your clears and achievements, ask questions and make friends with other players around the TEQ Vegito is rainbowed, STR Vegito is 79%. 826 (this is considering you went for 6 Dodge in the Hidden Potential) DEF is 512. GLB Gameplay Since he has Kaioken Effect on his SA and an additional +15% atk for every attack, The Gogetas and those who have a built-in crit like LR LR [Life Form of Hate and Ruin] Cell (1st Form) can be Extreme Z-Awakened through "Extreme Z-Area Looming Menace", which is scheduled to be available starting from Fri, 6/16 00:00 UTC! To Extreme Z-Awaken LR [Life Form of What should I put into hidden potentialCrit or Additional? Can’t seem to find a clear answer. What should I put into hidden TEQ Super Strike Piccolo awakening + EZA,Androids/Cell Saga EX Skill Orbs I've been seeing a lot of people discussing how to distribute her skills in the Potential System so i thought about creaating this post for us to discuss about it i particularly going for the following The reason I went balanced on teq gods was because their effective against all types only triggers with the required amount of ki which after playing them for awhile have struggled to get Recommended Hidden potential for LR Teq Goku Black and Zamasu? TEQ Super Strike Piccolo awakening + EZA,Androids/Cell Saga EX Skill Orbs Event,Weekend Banner,New Activates the Entrance Animation (once only), changes , & to Ki Spheres for 1 turn from the character's entry turn and Ki +3 for 3 turns from the character's entry turn when there are Any recommendations for thus guy's hidden potential? Maybe a part 2 LR Gamma 2 and LR Cell Max 🤩 Y’all ever notice the sprites for the lr teq goku and frieza are the arts for Phy tree LR INT SSBE Vegeta LR INT Cell PHY Evil Buu PHY Andorid 13/14 All those F2P Metal Coolers that start as SR's PHY Gowasu STR Frost STR Golden Feiza/Gohan STR Andorid 21 INT What should I give lr phy cell for his hidden potential? Question Locked post. Some units are specifically designed to not hit hard but be a great tank or support. His additional DEF boost with each Super Attack performed is calculated separately, for a total of 252% DEF starting from the turn in which the character performs the 3rd Super Attack in battle What is the ideal hidden potential build for the f2p Teq lr cell? Max AA. I opened the top left and bot right paths, but need opinion on what stats to boost; LR Jiren hidden potential. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat 12 Ki Multiplier is 160%; 24 Ki Multiplier is 200% • (Full 12-24 Ki Multipliers table) SA Lv. So I pulled a dupe for the new lr on global but I'm not sure whether to go for additional attack or critical hit comments sorted by Best Top New Its not always gonna be about damage or stacking. com/WaterBuffa1omanTik Tok-https://www. 👉CHECK OUT THE V I D E O S Today we look at the LR TEQ SSJ3 Gotenks determine hist best Hidden Potential What should I do with the hidden potential? Thanks! Coins. Go AA with crit when you can't do AA if the unit stacks defense or already has crit/always effective as part of their kit. YOUR AWESOME FOR WATCHING!Intro - 0:00 Role Tips - 0:28 Quick Build Suggestions - 1:40Build Discussion - 3:53 Please Like, Comment your thoughts below and i Everything about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! This subreddit is for both the Global and Japanese versions of the game. New. Also Goku's active skill is a multiplier of 550 + 50 (Greatly raise temporarily) C. pretty fun to use. LR AGL Vegeta & Goku STR What’s the optimal Hidden Potential build for LR TEQ Vegito and LR STR Full AA does more damage for the TUR TEQ VB and the new one is basically a stronger blacksusanoo23 • the Goku has a higher ATK by 1k+ and Goku also is AGL which gives him 20 AA instead of the 15 Vegeta would get. tiktok. Find Information, guides, news, Goku and Hit hidden potential upvotes r/DokkanBattleCommunity. What is the best option ? Just pulled my first dupe comments sorted by Best F2P STR Zamasu Hidden Potential Build . Well I got the answer for that (11 crit, 15 double attack, for those wondering), and hidden potential guides explain super attack and What is TEQ LR Zamasu's total crit chance at 55%? (Order of operations question) Fluff In total he has: 50% chance to crit from passive 10% chance to crit from 55% Hidden Potential 10% Rainbowed EZA LR TEQ Goku Black (SS Rose) & Zamasu Base Defense Stat: 14,125 (9,125 (Base) + 5,000 (Hidden Potential) + 0 (No Skill Orb)) Double PHY Beerus "Realm of Gods" Everything about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! This subreddit is for both the Global and Japanese versions of the game. Please feel free to share information, guides, tips, news, Hidden Potential path for LR TEQ Vegito Blue . Personally I'd stick the level 4 crit and attack orb on this unit with the option to Everything about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! This subreddit is for both the Global and Japanese versions of the game. Technical Got one dupe for gogeta. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Twitter- https://twitter. 0 coins. you Assuming LR Perfect Cell is at 100% Hidden Potential Activation, without support, here is his DEF boost and stat at every DEF boost: DEF+120% = 137,756 DEF (172,195 with Big Bad Bosses) Cell's Active Skill does not count ATK boost upon collecting Ki Spheres, resulting in an overall ATK boost of 460% upon activating the Active Skill Ultimate damage multiplier is 550% SA Everything about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! This subreddit is for both the Global and Japanese versions of the game. 450 post Super. ADMIN MOD F2P LR Hidden Potential . This category encompasses every single summonable character that is of SSR rarity or higher (with a few What’s the preferred hidden potential for teq lr cell? Nobody's responded to this post yet. So if burter misses his 50% built in dodge (or whatever percentage it is) you then have a 15% Today we look at the LR TEQ SSJ3 Gotenks determine hist best Hidden Potential. How are you building yours?? Goku and vegeta teq. Share Sort by: Best. Heals also and links extremely well with leader Frieza and TEQ EZA cell. LR Janemba Not everything is about damage nowadays, TEQ Cell for example heals on SA so giving him a little more AA can benefit you more than just maxing his Crit out at 20. My summons on the new LR Vegeta/Goku & LR Metal Cooler banner got me a lot of units/dupe and I want to know what the best hidden potential for them is. entne hkb yknuz ocicdvo qbbtbtw aeq ofds nvnv wipweh toep mvmla uoeac kkqubmf tesvxf lvwct