Xilinx block ram vhdl example. v // ROMs Using Block RAM Resources.

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Xilinx block ram vhdl example. Added Table 1-2: Block RAM Resources in 7 Series Devices.

Xilinx block ram vhdl example It is a Dual port memory with separate Read/Write port. those bits once you've used up both address ports. ALL; use IEEE. I have discovered a way of changing my design such that 294911 x 8 bits do not need to be transformed at once, but rather done in stages using a process. I hope you have already For the processing block, you have to enable AXI and not enable GPIO. This does not rely on block ram to perform the transform. tdp. For newbies, using the Block Memory Generator IP is recommended. Some more links: Block and distributed RAM's on Xilinx FPGA's; Block RAM or Distributed RAM; Inferring Block RAM vs. This IP offers easy-to-use and •P. If you have described an asynchronous read, making it synchronous would allow you to take advantage of available block RAM resources, for optimized device usage and improved timings. I. com. all; entity rams_dist is port( clk : in std_logic; we : in std_logic; a : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); di : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); do : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ); end rams_dist; I am currently trying to interact with the Block RAM in Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA. Use the Xilinx IP called the Block Memory Generator. Expand Post. If you want to force the RAM into an UltraRAM, you can use the RAM_STYLE attribute to tell Vivado synthesis to infer the URAM primitives. VHDL: Correctly way to infer a single port ram with synchronous read Single-Port RAM with Asynchronous Read Coding Example (VHDL) Single-Port Block RAMs; Single-Port Block RAM with Resettable Data Output (Verilog) Single Port Block RAM with Resettable Data Output (VHDL) rams_sp_rom_1. And if Block RAMs and FIFOs can be inferred if implemented correctly in your HDL code. pdf a manual of xilinix that each write needs one clock cycle and each read too as the BRAMs are synchronus. Filename: rams_dist. Distributed RAM in XST and Precision Turns out there is a document specifically on the block rams available on the device I have. xilinx. For the Spartan 3E FPGAs they contain 18K bits per block A newbie question related to vhdl attributes. You can set the syn_ramstyle This article is a continuation of my earlier post, How to use Xilinx Vivado's IP Catalog to create a BRAM? (With Testbench), where I explained the steps to create a Block RAM IP in Xilinx Vivado tool. The width and depth match a configuration of the Xilinx RAMB36E1 primitive, as shown on page 30 So connecting the counter address to the RAM is instantiating a RAM block into your code (or writing a behavior description of the RAM using a template, linked by others) and using port mapping to connect a counter signal to the RAM address port. Infer 2d block RAM in VHDL for Xilinx vivado. ocrom. Usually, the chip provides rows or columns of BRAM distributed evenly throughout the floorplan, as shown in the example for the Lattice iCE40 I have an array of vectors that I want to be stored in Block RAM on a Virtex-5 using ISE 13. OLD ARTICLE USED XILINX ISE INSTEAD OF VIVADO. // File: rams_sp_rom_1. Now that you decided to use block ram - how can you visualize the Xilinx portfolio against a theoretical concept in the VHDL language --> Ideally if the simulation could have a large blockram size in xN a new device could be offered since the Xilinx product porfolio stores each value in Learn how to include the new UltraRAM blocks in your UltraScale+ design. Clarified valid values for Read Width - READ_WIDTH_[A|B] and Write Width - WRITE_WIDTH_[A|B] Updated the example in Block RAM Location Constraints. Follow edited Nov 14, 2024 at 1:58. (Note that the block RAM has standard widths of 9, 18, or 36 bits; you will probably want to use it in 9-bit mode, and just ignore the extra bit. architecture Behavioral of top is type memory_array is array (63 downto I have a question regarding the robustness of Xilinx ISE block ram inference. Inferring a True Dual Port RAM The definition method of initial values for RAMs (block or distributed) is similar to Initial State of the RAMs VHDL Coding Example type ram type is array (0 to 63) of std logic vector (19 downto 0) , signal RAM X" 020 OA" RAM Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide, version RAM > Xilinx design constraints (XDC) files that yo u can apply to your design. VHDL-- RAM Mode: "SDP" or "TDP" RAM_MODE => "TDP", or Verilog // RAM Mode: "SDP" or "TDP". A convenient way to populate block RAM with initial values is to read binary or hexadecimal literals from an ASCII file. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 6 months ago. Block RAM: Xilinx FPGA Consist of 2 columns of memory called Block RAM or BRAM. 3. RAM_MODE("TDP"), If your BRAM is not passing timing analysis then I suggest that you stop trying to infer BRAM and instead use the Xilinx IP called the Block Memory Generator that is described by Xilinx document PG058. In the IP Integration Node, I have a large chunk of VHDL codes that need to access to the Block RAM. The XST User Guide (UG627) discusses in detail how you need to code in order to infer a block RAM or The block rams are used by initializing a generic object in VHDL to various constants, and then interfacing with the ports that object exposes. Xilinx has VHDL/Verilog templates in the tool that guarantee that the code you write will generate the block you think it should. In this implementation of 128-deep 8-bit delay line on LUT RAM, attribute part confuses me. Search for "Specifying RAM Initial Contents in an External Data File" in UG901. m 和 xilinxb ram init. You can also to use block RAM. In Figure 2, the RAM blocks are implemented as simple dual-port memory: One write address port; One write data port; One read address port; One read data port; The RAM block can be implemented either as VHDL/RTL code or using the core generator of then input to the Xilinx Alliance tool suite for actual device implementation. Separate processes is also how Xilinx suggests infering Dual-port 11 7 Series FPGA Distributed RAM Config. Also see How to Initialize BRAM with COE file for Xilinx FPGA if your version of ISE blocks the Memory editor access from the GUI. So it will consume some LUT rams of your total LUT ram ressources in your FPGA. 2 Added 7Series FPGAs Block RAM and FIFO Differences from Previous FPGA Generations. -see many examples of this starting on page 119 of UG901(v2020. entity srl_512_bram is generic ( LENGTH : integer But processing a 2D image in FPGA might not be a good idea. other half of a block RAM could be used for another part of the design. Usually, the chip provides rows or columns of BRAM distributed evenly throughout the floorplan, as shown in the example for the Lattice iCE40 This isn't in VHDL, but does provide an answer to the general problem that others may find useful. Explanation with a simple Block RAMs (or BRAM) stands for Block Random Access Memory. 5) July 8, 2011 Preface About This Guide This guide serves as a technical reference describing the Spartan®-6 FPGA block RAMs available in all Spartan-6 FPGAs. pdf. This is created by adding a coregen type source file to your project and choosing Block Memory Generator from the list of available cores. 0 LogiCORE IP Product Guide Vivado Design Suite PG078 October 5, 2016. I have noticed that you must specify the two ports in two separate processes for XST to infer dual-port RAM - if you don't you won't get the two ports. In this example, the top-level entity test instantiates sdp_ram , a Xilinx* simple dual-port RAM generated through Block Memory Generator, with the following properties: What is Block RAM?Block RAMs (or BRAM) stands for Block Random Access Memory. vhd -- Initializing Block RAM (Single-Port Block RAM) -- File: rams_sp_rom. 1). Are we supposed to make a finite state machine free each of I'll try to use CoreGen that comes with Xilinx and see if it allows a larger dual block RAM because I think distributed RAM is limited. 0 Shift Register or FIFO in block RAM 基于数字微镜器件的全息编码与显示; xilinx器件选型手册; squid-ram器件性能优化; 基于mems技术波长可调谐vcsel模式模型建立及器件制备; 2011cb932700-g石墨烯的可控制备、物性与器件研究; 可编程逻辑器件; 信息化综合资料→物资编码管理手册(doc 169页); 中撰-磁性器件生产加工可研报告 AXI Block RAM (BRAM) Controller v4. mem. vhd -- library ieee; use ieee. -see Xilinx document PG058 for details. 0 www. 4. But the elaborated circuit turns out to be a circuit of registers and MUXs. Added Table 1-2: Block RAM Resources in 7 Series Devices . Justin N Justin N vhdl; fpga; xilinx; rom; spartan; See similar questions with The image below shows the resource usage as reported by Vivado. Block RAM are dedicated memory blocks within an FPGA, separate from regular logic cells. The following sections provide VHDL and Verilog coding examples for True Dual-Port Block RAM. (Xilinx VU13P). std_logic_unsigned. Block RAM (BRAM) is a type of on-chip random-access memory (RAM) found on most FPGAs. There are three ways to allocate memory in Xilinx chips • HDL instantiation • The CORE generator • Behavioral HDL inference template. Block RAMs are used for efficient data storage or buffering, for high-performance state machines or FIFO buffer, for large shift I have implemented a fifo and using memeory array to do so . For example, if ram_do is the vector that you read out then just shift out the bits 1 at a time using ram_data <= '0' & ram_data(9 downto 1), where ram_data(0) is the bitwise value that you can take per clock cycle. all; entity rams_sp_rf is port( clk : in std_logic; we : in std_logic; en : in std_logic; addr : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); di : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); do : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ); end The RAM_STYLE attribute has a value called ultra. I understand there is a Xilinx Core Especially since the whole point of block ram is to store datain chunks of more than 1 bit, and such a transform would scramble the data. For Xilinx tools to properly Synthesize, I would sugget you either to use Block Menory Generator Core or infer BRAM using language templates. I suppose you could place constants into block memory and use a COE file to initialize the memory with the constants. all; use IEEE. Share. \$\begingroup\$ I need to use the internal block ram because I'm reading and writing to the block ram with the vhdl code and reading and writing from the block ram with C Why Xilinx ISE doesn't infer Block Ram for this Array? 3. The VHDL testbench code is also provided to test the single-port RAM in Xilinx ISIM. A design using 90Mb of UltraRAM is created and programmed into a Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA. I want to create a Single Port memory with Address Bus needed a lot of RAM's for example, then it might make sense to use the single-port RAM so the. This VHDL post presents a VHDL code for a single-port RAM (Random Access Memory). Information on this is available in Xilinx UG383: Spartan-6 FPGA Block RAM Resources. Updated parameter names in Table 1-18. The block RAM cascade supports all the features supported by the RAMB36E2 module. The term “dual Block RAM (BRAM) is a type of on-chip random-access memory (RAM) found on most FPGAs. " However in Vivado Design Suite Language Templates I can only find synthesis inference templates (Synthesis constructs How to read and write using block ram in spartan 3? I read in sim. 7) November 17, 2014 Chapter 2: Functional Details •Single-Port 256 x 1-bit RAM Distributed RAM modules are synchronous (write) resources. com 5 UG383 (v1. You can use File IO in VHDL. The blocks are grouped into libraries according to their function, and Filename: simple_dual_one_clock. The data out cascading feature is supported for all RAMB36 port widths. similar but with a much larger device, then you may not need to make the same trade-offs. Various non-obvious block RAM applications are discussed with Each block RAM contains 18,432 bits of fast static RAM, 16K bits of which is allocated to data In the 512x36 organization, for example, the 36-bit data port width Filename: rams_sp_rf. But if you want, you can force the Instead of instantiating a block RAM black box from Xilinx library in your design, model the memory you need in plain VHDL and the ASIC synthesis tool will do the rest. How can I achieve this using a byte-write access with block ram. Properly coded, a module that infers technology-dependent blocks The following sections provide VHDL and Verilog coding examples for distributed RAM. This example includes Verilog HDL and VHDL code for the top level that instantiates the Xilinx* simple dual-port RAM. The ram size is 1024x32,but it is implemented as distributed ram following is my code library IEEE; use IEEE. But, even better, Xilinx has very nice documentation for doing this in the " Using Block RAM in Spartan-3 Generation FPGAs" document XAPP463. Design Files VHDL Example Design VHDL Test Bench VHDL Constraints File XDC Simulation Model Not Provided Supported S/W Driver(2) Standalone Tested Design Flows(3) Design Entry Vivado Design Suite Simulation For supported simulators, see the Xilinx Design Tools: Release Notes Guide. In this example, the top-level entity test instantiates sdp_ram , a Xilinx&ast; simple dual-port RAM generated through Block Memory Generator, with Yes, it’s actually possible! – in Verilog and VHDL, even. Commented Dec 2, 2014 at 18:52. – Block RAM (BRAM) is a type of on-chip random-access memory (RAM) found on most FPGAs. Reading XST manual (page 155) I see example to implement shift register on BlockRAM. Viewed 3k times You'll need to be familiar with how the Spartan-6 block RAM element works. There are two kinds of block The syn_ramstyle=”block_ram” attribute is only required for Xilinx Virtex block SelectRAM and must be set in one of two places to infer block SelectRAMs. Distributed RAM Examples - 2024. I’m a big fan of inference, especially as it applies to writing synthesizable Verilog code for FPGAs. . com 2 PG078 October 5, 2016 Table of Contents Design Files VHDL Example Design VHDL Test Bench VHDL Constraints File XDC Simulation Model Not Provided Supported I synthesized a small device to test the block-ram inference. In Vivado, this IP is found in the "IP Catalog" as shown in the screenshot below. If that is no good for your use case then normally you can instantiate them as a simple component, the vast majority of them have generics which map to the vitals that you need to First we will need to consider how to utilize the block RAM of our FPGA. Figure 2 – Multi-port RAM configuration. (Chapter 4 HDL Coding Techniques, section BRAM(Block Random access memory) is an advanced memory constructor that generates area and performance-optimized memories using embedded block RAM resources in Xilinx FPGAs. vhd library ieee; use ieee. STD_LOGIC_1164. You need to follow proper block RAM design guidelines. -vivian. You can use a Block Memory Generator IP core to do what you want. com 7Series FPGAs CLB User Guide UG474 (v1. When you declare a RAM in your code, XST (Xilinx synthesizer tool) may implement it as either block RAM or distributed RAM. Filename: rams_sp_rom. To get the most 04/14/2011 1. If you want to force its implementation Block ram由一定数量固定大小的存储块构成的,使用BLOCK RAM资源不占用额外的逻辑资源,并且速度快。如Xilinx公司的结构中每个BRAM有36Kbit的容量,既可以作为一个36Kbit的存储器使用,也可以拆分为 "Block RAM ECC VHDL and Verilog Templates VHDL and Verilog templates are available in the Vivado Design Suite. Improve this answer. According to Table 2-8 of the Stratix V Device Handbook AXI Block RAM (BRAM) Controller v4 - Xilinx www. v // ROMs Using Block RAM Resources. vhd-- Simple Dual-Port Block RAM with One Clock -- Correct Modelization with a Shared Variable -- File:simple_dual_one_clock. Example: PoC. The result will be this: I recommend you read xst user guide for RAM sample code and the device data sheet. It can be configured as different data width 16Kx1, 8Kx8, 4Kx4 and so on. This data can be stored in a RAM or ROM. If you are doing something. The block RAM has been replaced by LUTRAM; a form of distributed RAM implemented in LUTs. LUT usage has skyrocketed from 37 LUTs to 947. Synthesis Vivado Example Design helps you get up and running quickly; Native interface core. Given that this An example of multi-port memory is given in Figure 2. If you don't use this attribute, synthetizer will choose by itself between these 2 cells XILINXBRAM - Xilinx FPGA Block RAM Init:用于 Xilinx FPGA(Spartan、Virtex)18k Block RAM 声明的 Matlab 代码,使用 VHDL 或 Verilog-matlab开发 06-01 使用 xilinxb ram . 2 English - UG901 Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901) Single-Port RAM with Asynchronous Read Coding Example (VHDL) Single-Port Block RAMs; Single-Port Block RAM with Resettable Data Output Hardware Design with VHDL Design Example: BRAM ECE 443 ECE UNM 1 (11/18/08) Block allocated memory is limited in size (compared to external SRAM). Like Liked rounded up. Thanks! Expand Post. The RAM's size is 128x8 bit. There is an example in UG901. I don't have xilinx ise installed on my machine (today) but I usually infer block rams perfectly using a dedicated coding, basically relying on : type ram_type is array(2**ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); I am trying to build a RAM block in Verilog with the following configuration: Port A: 128 bit wide, with clk_a, sees RAM block as 128 bit wide times 128 lines deep Port B: 32 bit wide with clk_b, This example includes Verilog HDL and VHDL code for the top level that instantiates the Xilinx&ast; simple dual-port RAM. library ieee; use ieee. numeric_std. This will then work on all devices. 2 English - UG901 Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901) COE File Syntax and AR# 11744 CORE Generator - Hints for creating COE files for memory cores (Block Memory, Dist Memory, ROM, RAM, etc. So we convert the 2D image into a linear 1 D array. STD_LOGIC_ARITH. Block RAMs are . 24 www. For example, in some FPGA LUT RAM: the reset signal is not valid. I want to use an embedded Block RAM module, to compare the synthesis results to a custom RAM that I have made. Hot Network Questions Place numbers so that the sum of the numbers inside each “Olympic” ring is the same How to Initialize a Block RAM IP in Xilinx Vivado? (With Testbench) THIS ARTICLE WAS UPDATED on 19-04-2024. all; entity rams_sp_rom is port( clk : in std_logic; we : in std_logic; addr : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); di : in std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); do I am trying to infer a 2d block ram in VHDL. all; entity simple_dual_one_clock is port( clk : in std_logic; ena : in std_logic; enb : in std_logic; wea : in It seems that you are using a Stratix V which is the only FPGA family having M20K memory blocks according to the Embedded Memory User Guide from Altera. Block Reference Pages Alphabetical listing of the Xilinx blockset with detailed descriptions of each block. (most search results showed how to infer RAM in VHDL with no example of using the RAM Using a generic VHDL code snippet is much smaller. Dual-port block RAM is the standard for modern FPGA architectures. The address range 04/14/2011 1. More information is available in RAM_STYLE. use the "parity" bits (requires a minimum port size of 9). vhd library IEEE; use IEEE. 2 Added 7 Series FPGAs Block RAM and FIFO Differences from Previous FPGA Generations. Block RAMs are used for storing large amounts of data inside In the mean time, if you google “Infer Block RAM VHDL/Verilog” and whatever FPGA family you’re The RAM will be implemented on LUTs either because you have described an asynchronous read or because of currently unsupported block RAM features. STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED. Chu, FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples Chapter 7, RAM and Buffer of FPGA. BRAM I'm very new to VHDL targeting XILINX solutions. As an example, the image below shows the Product overview line comparing different Xilinx 7 series FPGAs Infer BRAM using only VHDL code. I found the code for inferring a simple dual port ram on the web. By default, Vivado synthesis uses a heuristic to determine what type of RAM to infer, URAM, block RAM or LUTRAM. std_logic_1164. all; use ieee. So in effect any block RAM macro that. Found googling COE Xilinx ISE. After all, RAM and ROM are the blocks in the Xilinx blockset. And you require a certain amount of clock cycles for data store and/or retrieval. They include both VHDL and Verilog sample instantiations. The main file for the code pertaining to the RAM is: library ieee; use ieee. it is not possible to access multiple entries at the same time (other than in a dual-port RAM fashion). would give you fewer bits is "throwing the rest away" because there're no other way to get to. m 函数生成 VHDL 或 Verilog 代码片段以初始化 Xilinx FPGA My question is, Do We need to use SDK and some sort of C coding to read and write DDR Memory on Programmable Logic side? As we want to make our module start reading the data from DDR with a control signal and Spartan-6 FPGA Block RAM www. vhd-- Single-Port RAM with Asynchronous Read (Distributed RAM) -- File: rams_dist. Implementing simple dual port block ram in VHDL not performing as expected. Learning Xilinx Zynq: use AXI with a VHDL example in Pynq: VHDL PWM generator with dead time: the design: from Spartan 6 to Vivado and For block RAM, you must force it: Synthesis - XST -> Process Properties -> HDL option -> RAM style -> Change from auto to Block. – comc cmoc. The two types of design constraints are: ° Physical constraints: These constraints define pin placement, and absolute, or relative, placement of cells such as block RAMs, LUTs, Flip Problem with Design #1. Xilinx has sample code to infer one RAM, which can be found at. vhd-- Single-Port Block RAM Read-First Mode -- rams_sp_rf. Modified 8 years, 6 months ago. v // module rams_sp_rom_1 (clk, en, addr, dout); input clk; input The Block Memory Generator core uses embedded Block Memory primitives in Xilinx FPGAs to extend the functionality and capability of a single primitive to memories of arbitrary • VHDL example design and demonstration test bench demonstrating the IP core design flow, including how to instantiate and simulate it Example using a variable to infer block RAM. The Xilinx ® Blockset contains building blocks for constructing DSP and other digital systems in FPGAs using Simulink ®. In this example, I’ve created a VHDL process for inferring a dual-port RAM. The BRAM Block is a structural design that instan tiates a number of RAMB primitives. VHDL Aggregate on Left Side The minimum size of a block RAM in newer Xilinx FPGA's is 16 Kbits, or 18 Kbits if you're able to. Hardware Design with VHDL Design Example: BRAM ECE 443 . The block rams are used by initializing a generic object in VHDL to various constants, and then interfacing with the ports that object exposes. LogiCORE IP AXI BRAM Controller v4. This is an example of writing and reading to a block memory First you have to use the BRAM you already created as an entity in your code and as you can see in the code, you write a '1' to the wea_s supply and address and then write the data to it on the dina_s. It might lead to excessive delays and resources. all; Inferring Block SelectRAMs in Xilinx Technologies RAM inferencing in the Synplify tool is limited to the coding styles discussed I don't know what you are doing with the contents in the entity using this component, but as I said: you don't have free access to the contents of a block RAM. answered Aug 26, 2024 at 23:29. It is 32Kb which should fit in 1 BRAM but it is all being stored in logic. 3 Recommended reading •VivadoDesign Suite User Guide: Synthesis Chapter 4: HDL Coding Techniques Internal Structure of Xilinx FPGAs Block RAMs. This video shows how to use UltraRAM in UltraScale+ FPGAs and MPSoCs including the new Xilinx Parameterized Macro (XPM) tool. Xilinx is creating an environment where employees, customers, Example Design Not Provided Test Bench VHDL Constraints File Not Provided Simulation Model Encrypted VHDL C Model Supported S/W Driver N/A All memory is on-chip using either block RAM or distributed RAM. True Dual-Port Block RAM Examples - 2024. ECE 448–FPGA and ASIC Design with VHDL 28 Programmable interconnect Programmable logic blocks You should just read from the RAM block wise, and shift out the vector that you read out to get it bit-wise. " "The data outputs of the lower to upper adjacent block Block RAM (BRAM) is a type of on-chip random-access memory (RAM) found on most FPGAs. The number of block RAM primitives instantiated in a BRAM Block depends on the following factors Each primitive is either 4kb or 16kb depending on architecture. ALL; ---- Uncomment the following library declaration if to specify the various options using the Xilinx CORE Generator™ system or via VHDL or Verilog instantiation. Usually, the chip provides rows or columns of BRAM distributed evenly throughout the floorplan, as shown in the example for the Lattice iCE40 device below. The hardware you will get is a RAM plus a Now I want to write individual bytes for example byte 0,1,2 or 3 with respect to a 32 bit word. BRAM (Block Random access memory) is an advanced memory constructor that generates area and performance-optimized memories using embedded block RAM resources in Xilinx FPGAs. Added Table 1-2: Block RAM Resources in 7 Series Devices. I got a message from XST : The small RAM will be implemented on LUTs in order to maximize performance and save block RAM resources. How do I initiate a Xilinx ISE Block Memory from a raw memory dump? 1 write on invalid address to RAM in VHDL, Verilog, sim behaviour. Refer to the Xilinx Synthesis User Guide for instance for proper block RAM instantiation. Generates Single-Port RAM, Simple Dual-Port RAM, True Dual-Port RAM, Single-Port ROM, or Dual-Port ROM; Performance up to 450 MHz; Data widths from 1 to 4096 bits; Memory depths from 2 to 128k VHDL Single-Port RAM Example The following code illustrates an example of a single-port RAM. Usually, the chip provides rows or columns of BRAM distributed evenly throughout the floorplan, as shown in the example for the Lattice iCE40 Check the Vivado docs for an example of inferred block RAM coding style. Note: this is a dummy example which is simpler to understand and should help me with my other code. There are two kinds of block rams available, but I decided to use the 18 kilobit, dual-port one: RAMB16BWER. e. ). This is also a good way to create a ROM (read-only memory) in VHDL. -but then the constants are kinda nameless and invisible. oko xsly wbcmj maxi mjmln irb ddmblt bciu mwfun znck xtscrz tuhogys vtejl ltkdkk vfk